The Gray Cat Blog

A comprehensive collection of blogs designed to assist small business owners and multi-unit operators. 

Local Store Marketing For Retailers Feb 06, 2023

The fight for share-of-customer by retail stores to effectively capture sales has never been fiercer. Retail stores that sit back and wait for their business to improve will have a very long road...

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What Did COVID Teach Us About Employee Management? Feb 06, 2023

Well, we didn’t see that coming! 

How many of us would have predicted that for the better part of two years, the entire planet has had their professional lives turned upside down due to...

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Diagnostic Store Assessment Feb 06, 2023

Conducting a diagnostic store assessment is an excellent way to gain opportunistic perspectives for your location.  Walking through and evaluating your store – from the eyes of the...

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A Blog About Writing A Blog Feb 06, 2023

About a decade ago I began to publish a blog focused mainly on improving processes within small business. Many of these blogs are derived from having worked many years in larger organizations and...

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Running Out of Time? Feb 06, 2023

Try These Calendar Management Tips

It seems that with every passing year, time management becomes harder and harder to get your arms around.  With new ways to communicate seemingly appearing...

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Brand Positioning – A Focus On Clarity Feb 06, 2023

Who are we?

That is a question I hear all the time from companies that are trying to better communicate to their customers. All too often, companies have grown in spite of the fact of not really...

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Developing Your Financial Acumen Feb 06, 2023

The art of understanding your business from a financial perspective is a critical step for any entrepreneur. Knowing your business – financially – will provide the business owner the...

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Local Store Marketing: Greetings and Suggestive Sales Feb 06, 2023

In-store marketing is a critical and oft-overlooked marketing strategy for any size retailer. Successful retailers make their customer feel welcome and comfortable in their store, building repeat...

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Managing A Retail Real Estate Portfolio Feb 06, 2023

For the multiunit operator, managing a retail real estate portfolio is tricky business. Keeping winning stores in tip-top condition – both physically and financially – is the key to...

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Local Store Marketing: Foodservice Group Sales Feb 06, 2023

So, “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”

The key to group sales is to market your store and products as a turnkey solution for a large gathering. Finding key groups in which your...

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Organizational Transformation – A Step Forward Feb 06, 2023

In business, it is essential to know the path just traveled. Most organizations take a look back at the preceding 1-2 months to evaluate their financial results and attempt to make rhyme or reason...

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G & A Budgeting – Fun Times! Feb 06, 2023

Hurry, hurry, step right up!

It is time to play the game called “G & A Budgeting”. This is the game where heads are counted; budgets are sandbagged and perks are justified. It is an...

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