The Gray Cat Blog

A comprehensive collection of blogs designed to assist small business owners and multi-unit operators. 

LinkedIn – The Power of Networking Feb 06, 2023

When I started Gray Cat Enterprises in 2004, I was living in Chicago and for the first couple of years, all of my clients were based in Illinois.  This was fine at the time, since I had a...

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Local Store Marketing: Employee Recognition Feb 06, 2023

Employee peer recognition is often more influential among your workers than achieving actual prizes or monetary rewards. Developing ongoing peer recognition programs will keep your employees...

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Small Business Management Feb 06, 2023

Running a small, start-up business has it share of ups and downs. When I launched my company nearly twenty years ago, running my own small business has been both rewarding and challenging. It has...

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Developing A Winning Foodservice Strategy Feb 06, 2023

In the convenience store marketplace, margins continue to tighten on core products such as candy, snacks and tobacco. Prudent operators are attempting to stem the tide by introducing foodservice...

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Creating Your Branding Game Plan Feb 06, 2023

What is your branding game plan?

Not the branding media schedule – that is just part of it – but rather, your overarching strategic decision-making game plan on all of your branding...

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Managing the Retail Puzzle Feb 06, 2023

You own a bunch of stores all varying in size and age. Over the years, product assortments and sets have come and gone and you have ridden certain designs into the ground. Each of your stores needs...

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Strategic Business Planning Feb 06, 2023

“The nice thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression.”

— John Harvey-Jones


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Local Store Marketing: Retail-To-Retail Bouncebacks Feb 06, 2023

Budgets are tight, but you need to move top line sales – fast! What is a quick and easy way to expand your customer base? Partnering with noncompeting retailers to help your broaden exposure...

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The Winds of Change Feb 06, 2023

The winds of change can happen suddenly.

One of the worst days of my life was learning that my mother had a stroke at the age of 58. I was 23 at the time and was hardly prepared for a shock to my...

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Prepare for Tomorrow – Today! Feb 06, 2023

Nobody saw this coming.  

Just two months ago, we were in our eleventh year of an economic expansion; unemployment was at a 50-year old low; and March Madness was right around the...

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Launching Your Gift Card Program Feb 06, 2023

Gift cards continue to grow leaps and bounds allowing retailers that have implemented a program for their stores to reap vast benefits. In fact, total spending on gift cards in 2023 is expected to...

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Talent Management Feb 06, 2023

Over my career – both in the corporate world and on my own – I have had the privilege of working with some fantastic and talented people. In most cases, I have learned more from them,...

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