Gray Cat Unleashed Episode 15: Sales Forecasting
Jan 27, 2025A while back, a gentleman that wanted help selling his company approached me. I asked him “So, what do you hope the purchase price to be?” He looked at me and said “$5 million”. I then asked, “How did you come up with that figure?” He looked at me and said with a straight face “It is a nice round number”. I paused and said, “So is $100 million.”
The point of the story is he had no idea what the value of his company was, and the $5 million number was a guess.
I liken this story to several sales forecasts that I consistently come across that are swags, round numbers, or guesses. Anyone can come up with a number – the question is whether it is legitimate or vaporware. In this course, I will overview several tips to consider that will make your sales forecasting much tighter than “a nice round number”.