The Gray Cat Blog

A comprehensive collection of blogs designed to assist small business owners and multi-unit operators. 

Brand Positioning – The Semantic Differential Feb 06, 2023

One of the most interesting activities that I have been involved with regarding branding is called a Semantic Differential exercise. It is important to delineate salient attributes that form the...

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The Art Of Execution Feb 06, 2023

Operational excellence is a retail buzzword that often gets glossed over. Retailers talk the talk, but often miss on walking the walk. Operational excellence has a singular focus: the customer. The...

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Strategic Market Analysis Feb 06, 2023

Last week, I sat through a meeting with one of my clients where we discussed the infamous question of “who are we?” that faces every retailer. As retailers grow – both in store...

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Vertically Integrating Your Brand Message Feb 06, 2023

The concept of vertically integrating your brand message is clearly not new. Companies for years have embraced the concept that if you are going to communicate a brand message, it is best to...

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Unleashing Your Inner Networker Feb 06, 2023

Come on, admit it. You wish you were a better networker. Fear not, it is time to unleash your inner networker.

Networking is one part art and one part discipline and while there is more than one...

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Technology Is Changing the Customer Experience Feb 06, 2023

“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.  Don’t let yourself be lulled into...

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Menu Simplification: Maintaining Your Focus Feb 06, 2023

Foodservice operators have long wrestled with the challenge of balancing the demand for increased menu options by customers with that of menu simplification. While a focus on systems and procedures...

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Conducting a Foodservice Focus Group Feb 06, 2023

Convenience store operators continue to plunge into foodservice with the hopes of stemming the tide of lower margins with high-margin foodservice offerings. While the degrees of foodservice can...

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Designing Your Customer-Driven Foodservice Operation Feb 06, 2023

Recently, I spoke at the Florida Petroleum Marketers Association on Developing a Winning Foodservice Strategy and the same holds true – foodservice is where it’s at in the...

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Know the Full Advantages of Foodservice Technology Feb 06, 2023

With every passing day, month and year, better for you foodservice options continue to infiltrate the convenience store industry.  Slowly but surely, the convenience store industry is...

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Targeting a Vertical Market Feb 06, 2023

Over my career I have worked with a number of organizations where making inroads into certain verticals (industries) was critical for our success.  Whether you target the banking, healthcare,...

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Gray Cat Makes Annual Donation Feb 03, 2023

In honor of “Emily the Cat” (the original gray cat from which the company name was created), Gray Cat Enterprises (along with new puppy, Bogey, in picture) makes its annual holiday...

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